“Distintivo H” is the recognition that the Ministry of Tourism grants to fixed food and beverage establishments for voluntarily complying with the hygiene standards established by the Mexican standard
NMX-F-605-NORMEX-2015 .
These are some of the actions that our Food and Beverage department carries out on a daily basis to guarantee the hygienic handling of food:
- Permanent training and supervision of our staff during food handling to maintain its safety.
- Sanitization of kitchen equipment and utensils before, during and after each shift.
- Medical examinations endorsed by the Ministry of Health for food handlers.
- Fumigation and sanitation program for food and beverage production and handling areas.
- Food handlers have access to handwashing stations with antibacterial soap, toothbrush in disinfectant solution, hand sanitizer, and single-use paper towels.
- We provide personal protective equipment to our collaborators.
- Our food and beverage suppliers are endorsed by the Ministry of Health.
“Punto Limpio” quality seal is a recognition granted by the Ministry of Tourism to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in the Tourism Sector (restaurants, hotels, cafeterias, car rental companies, leisure and entertainment centers, among others). , for having implemented the methodology developed by SECTUR and applied by specialized consultants registered with the Secretariat in order to obtain the quality seal.
Our business units are:
Reception, Lobby, Swimming pools, Rooms, Restaurant areas, Play areas, Gym, Spa, Business areas.
These are some of the actions that are carried out daily to guarantee hygienic quality in the rooms and common areas:
- Verification of the dilution of our chemicals through our suppliers.
- Continuous training for the correct handling of cleaning and disinfection chemicals.
- Supervision of compliance with the procedures established in the established cleaning programs.
- Disinfection and deep cleaning in rooms and common areas.
- The customer service staff is trained and has the material to clean and disinfect surfaces.
- All staff have access to handwashing stations with antibacterial soap, toothbrush in disinfectant solution, antibacterial gel, and single-use paper towels.
Moderniza Program is a System for improving quality through which tourism companies will be able to stimulate their collaborators and increase their profitability and competitiveness rates, based on a modern way of directing and managing a tourism company, conditions that will allow you to meet the expectations of your customers.
The Program has the following characteristics:
- Guarantee its applicability and usefulness in both micro, small and medium-sized businesses.
- Generate tangible (measurable) and immediate results in the company's performance.
- Ensure that the application of the program is carried out in a homogeneous and standardized manner in all cases.
Moderniza Program means:
- Use of efficient systems.
- Orientation to customer satisfaction.
- Ability to improve your profitability.
- Development of your collaborators.
Casa Dorada Los Cabos Resort & Spa has a certified
Quality Manager in charge of auditing and supervising that the protocols are carried out correctly according to the standards of our certifications.
We look forward to serving you again and are committed to offering the service you deserve.